.NET German

SQL MCM Training – Day 8

Today Paul talked the whole day about HA DR Strategies and Backup/Restore operations. I’ve already known a lot about Backup/Restores, but Paul showed some cool things that were even new to me J. Here are my study notes for the 3 modules of today: Module 1: HA DR Strategies Zero downtime is not possible Even …

SQL MCM Training – Day 8 + read more

SQL MCM Training – Day 5

Today I’ve not taken too much notes, because the whole afternoon was about the Management Data Warehouse and Multi-Instance Management. But before that Paul and Jonathan have spoken a lot about troubleshooting with DMVs. Module 12: DMVs – Part 2 sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats Spikes can’t be seen from this DMV, only through perfmon.exe I/O Backup activity is …

SQL MCM Training – Day 5 + read more

SQL MCM Training – Day 4

Today Jonathan has presented on analyzing trace data, and Kimberly has spoken on troubleshooting Plan Cache Issues and Index Consolidation. It’s really awesome when you listen to Kimberly, because she is speaking so fast, and delivers such a great quality of content – really awesome!!! Module 10: Analyzing Trace Data Default Trace Logs everytime when …

SQL MCM Training – Day 4 + read more