Join the SQLBits Disco, and learn about Performance Troubleshooting

I’m delighted to announce that I have been chosen to present my precon about Practical SQL Server Performance Troubleshooting at SQLBits on April 6 in Telford/United Kingdom. As you might know I really enjoy talking about Performance Troubleshooting, because it’s one of my specialities. And I’m also already a veteran (with almost no hair left) at SQLBits because I first presented at this great conference in 2009.

If you want to learn more about SQL Server Performance Troubleshooting from an old hairless veteran at SQLBits in Telford please be sure to register for my precon.

I got some hairs!

And here is the precon abstract that I have submitted.

In this precon we will take a default installation of SQL Server, and run a OLTP workload with a several hundred users to generate our initial baseline for performance tuning/troubleshooting. Throughout the day we will work across various areas of SQL Server to implement different performance optimizations, and check how those changes will impact the throughput of our test workload. At the end of the day we will have a well-performing SQL Server which can handle a much larger workload than the initial (default) installation. The Following areas are covered in this precon:

  • Windows OS Settings
  • Storage Configuration
  • SQL Server Instance Settings
  • Memory Management
  • Database Settings
  • Index/Statistics Maintenance

See you soon in Telford!


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